Thursday, October 16, 2008

My growing gal....

The silly papa is playing the usual of trying to 'throw' her around and by chance we realise how much stronger is her neck then we thought

Through week 6- 8 , we are gradually propping her up and trying to let her balance and sit.... not for long though with the bear.

So much seems to have happened. Sometimes it feels so quick and sometimes I wish it can go quicker, cos how can it only be 6 weeks???!!! how much more 'torture' we have go through??!!

It is quite unbelievable of how much she has grown. Weight wise, she is already up to 4.65kg and she is stronger by day. We are enjoying every (non-poop and non-crying) moment of it but the greatness of parenthood has yet to sink in with us. We are admiring that she is becoming cuter by day but we so wanna stuff her mouth up in those crying nights... hahaa we have yet to do it :)


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