Friday, October 31, 2008

The moments that parents are living for...

Or at least I think ... This is one of the first few smiles to papa

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sleep... is a luxury ever since the baby intrudes into our lives. Unlike many peers back home who had the luxury of help from confinement lady, I started taking care of Kirsten since Day 1 and Sander had been good in taking his quota of the weekend nites. We had always been quite happy with Kirsten as she is bigger, drinks a bit more milk and had been cooperating quite well... without colic n other annoying stuff, only occasional irritating nites.

Last week, she progressed to be able to sleep till 5+am and ability to self entertained on the playmats. Urghh but we were happy too fast. Ever since Sunday, she has put on her infant irritating mode once again. Cannot be left alone for a single moment, unable to nap completely at all, wakes up at 3am ..... urghh n forever hungry again ! Probably due to the stupid growth spurt which is not suppose to due until 3 wks later!!!!

Just managed to 'bluff' her into a nap by putting her on my bed n sleeping with her ( and i start to hear her cry again!!!) Aiyo eh.... am so bored facing her alone at home!

K ... have let my frustration out n its time to get back to my reality :(

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Amazing gadgets.....

All those bloody babies gadgets are sooooo expensive!!! But I am really appreciating the amazing time they had brought about... especially now that Kirsten has grown a little more to be able to appreciate

Cot Mobile- that this is amazing... she can stare at it daily and throw to make herself giddy and go to sleep. but it only works in the evening

Rocking chair - as long as I keep the vibrator on, she can nap in them for quite a while, giving me some time to clean up the house or just to grab some food during the day

And this is my favourite... the play mat! It has all the sound n lights and noise and toys that help me to play or should I say entertain her.....well I am not creative so toys certainly help **hint hint**

My growing gal....

The silly papa is playing the usual of trying to 'throw' her around and by chance we realise how much stronger is her neck then we thought

Through week 6- 8 , we are gradually propping her up and trying to let her balance and sit.... not for long though with the bear.

So much seems to have happened. Sometimes it feels so quick and sometimes I wish it can go quicker, cos how can it only be 6 weeks???!!! how much more 'torture' we have go through??!!

It is quite unbelievable of how much she has grown. Weight wise, she is already up to 4.65kg and she is stronger by day. We are enjoying every (non-poop and non-crying) moment of it but the greatness of parenthood has yet to sink in with us. We are admiring that she is becoming cuter by day but we so wanna stuff her mouth up in those crying nights... hahaa we have yet to do it :)

Monday, October 06, 2008

One month and on...

Time really flies and Kirsten is more than a month old and my mum has also gone back to Sg over the weekend.

Today is the first day I am alone with her and Sander is travelling so that will be >50 hours of just me with her alone. Really hoping that she will be cooperative .... and she has been for the past 10 hours and thus am able to log on to the computer.

I love my little gal and the attachment to her is growing by day as she gets more interactive and aware of us. However we are still not crazy over her and we certainly hope that things stay that way. I'm thinking that cos we are alone in Belgium and do not have the peer influence to settle us into the "greatness" of parenthood feeling but Sander actually felt that the many non-parent frens here help to remind us of life without the kid and be ourselves.

Anyway, just keeping my finger cross that lil gal can continue her good behavior of today :) n praying for the patience and strength for the upcoming days and months

11 wks countdown to singapore!