Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hopefully this is the last photo of me being fat....

Taken yesterday when some frens came to town and we walked them thru Antwerp.

Things I have been doing for the past week (s):
- Drinking Rasberry tea faithfully every day
- Climbing the stairs 5x each day (we live on the 4th floor)
- Doing my set of squarts
- Helped out at children's church 3xmorning
- Walk >30 mins each day
- Played my Dance dance revolution yesterday !!!
Still.... there is no sign of my little gal

Too depressed....

I know it has been an awfully long period since I have last blogged but it is simply too depressed to do so!! Arms need to be more stretched when trying to type, tummy getting bigger by every day:(

Anyway here's the quick summary :

Last Sunday
My yummy Gado Gado dinner last sunday prepared by Sander... haha as long as the Dutch have it in the instant pack, he can actually cook it!! The taste is least a bit similar to the real thing

My Birthday
Received my present in the morning, flowers in the afternoon and my evening present did not arrive!!! hmmm n it is not even ready til now... Anyway we still manage to go out for some nice dinner.... a quiet one!

*Sigh this is the first day that I stopped working and Sander did not even take a day off!!! His whole idea was to save the leave days until Kirsten is here!!! Urghhh I know where my standing is already ~~~~~

Appetiser of salmon and the interesting beef carpaccio with the secret sauce

Yummy mussels and lamb chop

Desert : haha too tempting and forgot to take photo :)